Make a difference, Become part of the Village for our children.

Enquire now to become a foster career

It takes a Village, join our Village.

Here is where your journey begins, preparing your family and home to become a crucial part of a Pasifika and Maori child’s forever story.  In our migration as a community to Australia, our search was for better opportunities for our families both immediate and extended.  This transition came with a lot of grief and loss, new learnings and a challenge to rebuild community, connection and our cultural identities whilst navigating the Australian way of life.  Our stories have evolved and our resilience as a people continues to motivate us to remain hopeful in forging our own pathways for the good of our future leaders, our children.  

The Department of Child Safety, Seniors & Disability services has revealed to our community that our children, our future leaders are sitting in out of home care – this truth has been very confronting and as we are called to navigate these new waters, we look forward to partnering with you in this space of care and reconciliation.  If you are over 18, living in Southeast Queensland, and can provide a safe, stable and loving temporary home for a child in care, you could be eligible to join our family of carers. 

We need short term, long term and emergent placement options – we provide all the culturally embedded training, walk with you through the assessment process and deliver ongoing support once you are approved to ensure that you feel confident in the support that you provide.  We work with your whole family, ensuring that everyone in your home and extended village/iwi understands their rights and that of the child’s.  Just as our forefathers would gather to love on families within their communities who were facing difficult times, this is just “what we do”. 

Geographic Catchment Area
We will be working with the Child Safety Service Centers in Logan Central, Loganlea, Browns Plains, Beenleigh, and Beaudesert.

What is foster care?
Foster carers are approved by Child Safety to provide care in their own home for children and young people who they are not related to biologically. This care may be for a short or long period of time and is monitored by your Service Provider, namely us.

What is kinship care?
Kinship carers are approved by Child Safety to provide care in their own homes for a relative, family member, close friend, or a member of the child or young person’s community.

A kinship carer is a person related to the child, or is considered part of the family or a close friend, including:

  • grandparent

  • aunt or uncle

  • other relative or close friend.

For Pasifika and Māori children, kinship care may include another Pasifika or Māori person who is a member of, or compatible with the child’s community or language group.

When Pasifika or Māori children and young people need to live away from their home for their own protection, Child Safety is committed to ensuring their cultural identity and relationship with their families and communities is maintained.

About So’ofa’atasoga Aiga Pasifika (S.A.P)

So’ofa’atasiga Aiga Pasifika (SAP) is a new program aimed at providing culturally responsive care and framework of practice for recruiting, training and supporting Pasifika and Māori caregivers. The name means to bring together and connect our Pasifika and Māori families and children.

Our mission is to see every child have a home and to see our children and families thrive and flourish.  

SAP is a partnership with the Queensland government to deliver out of home care placement and kinship care services for children and young people under 18 years of age.  

The service is open from 9am to 5pm on weekdays and provides flexible support outside of these hours.  

For more information on these services call (07) 214 11116 or send an email to 

How We Can Support You

  • Training

    We provide culturally responsive training and assistance at every stage of your foster care journey, ensuring you feel comfortable and capable of providing the care your foster child needs. 

  • Ongoing Support

    You will have a dedicated case worker from our Foster Care team who you will get to know and trust. You can approach your case worker with questions anytime. We also offer ongoing training courses as you continue as a foster carer.

  • 24/7 On-call Assistance

    You can contact our 24/7 Carer Line anytime in an emergency, or if you’re needing support with your foster child’s behaviour.

  • Carer Groups

    We’ll help connect you with our other foster carers in your region, so you can create a group or network of support to share stories and solutions with others in the same situation as you.

  • Communication

    You’ll have a dedicated case worker you can call for advice. You’ll also receive our regular foster carer newsletter each month, featuring important updates and information about events and training opportunities.

  • Financial Support

    We’ll help you access the government’s foster carer allowance which is paid fortnightly to help meet the day-to-day costs of caring starting with a base allowance of $611.94. There are also other allowances available. There’s also a Carer Business Discount Card, offering retail discounts across QLD.

Village Connect Holistic Hub 

In addition to the above you will have access to the wrap around services that are provided by our Village which include the following:

For children :

  • Play group 

  • Thriving on Track (TOTs) program 

  • Child Health Nurses 

  • Healthy Hearing Checks 

  • Oral Health Checks 

  • Speech therapist 

  • Occupational Therapist 

  • Parenting support  

  • KOKO young offenders' program 

 For families:

  • Pasifika and Child Health Maternity Hub 

  • Gestational Diabetes Checks 

  • Haputanga Antenatal classes 

  • Men’s and Women’s Support Groups 

  • Access to counselling support  

  • Men’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Connector 

  • Emergency Food Relief  

  • Seniors Group