
Imagine a world where our Pasifika babies are born healthy and alive to flourish in their families and in their communities. Haputanga Journey is about putting the mana back into the hands of our mothers, fathers and whanau to shape their learning and future. Incorporating their values and ways of birthing.

Our goals:

  1. promote self-awareness and care during pregnancy

  2. positive bonding and parenting skills

  3. traditional practices around pregnancy, birthing and parenting

  4. positive relationships

Register Below

Classes occur fortnightly with limited places so be sure to look at the calendar for dates to register for this free program. Send us an email to enquire for our next class or give us a call on 07 2141 1116 so that we can remind you when the next class will be held. 

Resources And Information

  • Every pregnant woman cares for the health of her unborn baby. Quitting smoking immediately reduces your risk of pregnancy complications and harm to your baby’s health.

    Smoking while pregnant increases your risk of:

    • miscarriage

    • premature labour

    • ectopic pregnancy

    • complications during birth.

    Smoking can increase your baby’s risk of:

    • sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

    • low birthweight (can lead to multiple health issues in both childhood and adult life)

    • infections and other health problems

    • asthma and other breathing difficulties.

    Smoking while you are breastfeeding your baby is not safe. Breast milk contains essential nutrients for your baby, but if you continue to smoke while you breastfeed, toxic chemicals from tobacco are passed onto your baby through your breast milk. Your ability to breastfeed is also affected by smoking. Women who smoke tend to produce less milk and wean their babies earlier than non-smokers.

    Free quit support is available for all pregnant women, women planning pregnancy within the next 6 months and partners of women who are pregnant in Queensland. Call Quitline on 13 7848 to find out more

    Click these links for more information:

     Quit Smoking

     Quit HQ

    Find your reason