Griffith University and Victoria University are the two anchor institutions of an Innovative program “Pathways in Place”. Pathways in Place works closely with communities to achieve positive, sustainable, and systemic change. With Paul Ramsey Foundation funding, Griffith University through Pathways in Place draws on its existing relationships, infrastructure, and expertise to benefit communities in new and targeted ways.

Pathways in Place have partnered with Village Conect to establish of a Pasifika led and managed Registered Training Organisation to serve the Pasifika community, empowering community members utilising community-led and community-owned training initiatives that focus on critical areas of capacity building (e.g, mental health, counselling, community services, youth work and other areas added at a later stage).

The collaboration has also established a community research fellow to support Village Connect to document, research, publish, and evaluate progress on the Registered Training organisation and other priorities shared between Village Connect and Griffith University.

Research Fellow
Dr Inez Faingaa Manu-Sione

Dr Inez Faingaa Manu-Sione (LLB/B Business, B Theatre, Grad Dip in Legal Practice & Grad Dip of Ed), is of Yolngu, Fijian, Tongan heritage. Completed her Doctorate of Education Pasifika Perspectives of Wellness.  Her Doctorate is on Pasifika Perspectives of Wellness culminating in the development of two new Wellness models.  She was the manager of Pasifika L.I.P.I. in Inala/Ipswich & Logan and the Multicultural Co-Ordinator of Good Start, QLD Health.  She also worked as a Success Coach Head of Department at Ipswich High School and was the President of Pasifika Women’s Alliance at its inception

Our goal is to work with our community to create pathways for further education & training. 


Leigh-Anne is a young Tokelau mum with 3 school aged boys. As a single parent she already has her hands full. However, in 2019 she joined Village Connect as a volunteer Community Connector. Community Connectors provide holistic support for mothers during pregnancy and birth, helping them navigate through the complex health and social service systems. Leigh-Anne was committed to helping other mothers with their pregnancy journey. She began as a volunteer Community Connector, increasing her commitment over time until she now works 4 days as a paid Community Connector.

To help her in her current role as a Community Connector, Leigh-Anne has already completed the Certificate IV in Mental Health.

In 2020, Leigh-Anne expressed a desire to undertake tertiary study so that she could return to the Hub as a professionally trained midwife and continue supporting mothers and families in her community. The system, though, worked against her. Leigh-Anne is not able to study as she does not currently qualify for the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), having arrived in Australia after the age of 18. It is up to Leigh-Anne to find ways to pay for the full tuition fees. Leigh-Anne’s studies have therefore been delayed until she is able to find the funds.

In 2020, Leigh-Anne expressed a desire to undertake tertiary study so that she could return to the Hub as a professionally trained midwife and continue supporting mothers and families in her community. The system, though, worked against her. Leigh-Anne is not able to study as she does not currently qualify for the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), having arrived in Australia after the age of 18. It is up to Leigh-Anne to find ways to pay for the full tuition fees. Leigh-Anne’s studies have therefore been delayed until she is able to find the funds.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.